Extending EVA#

This document details the steps involved in adding support for a new operator (or command) in EVA. We illustrate the process using a DDL command.

Command Handler#

An input query string is handled by Parser, StatementTOPlanConvertor, PlanGenerator, and PlanExecutor. We discuss each part separately.

def execute_query(query) -> Iterator[Batch]:
    Execute the query and return a result generator.
    #1. parser
    stmt = Parser().parse(query)[0]
    #2. statement to logical plan
    l_plan = StatementToPlanConvertor().visit(stmt)
    #3. logical to physical plan
    p_plan = PlanGenerator().build(l_plan)
    #4. parser
    return PlanExecutor(p_plan).execute_plan()

1. Parser#

The parser firstly generate syntax tree from the input string, and then tansform syntax tree into statement.

The first part of Parser is build from a LARK grammar file.


  • eva.lark - add keywords(eg. CREATE, TABLE) under Common Keywords

    • Add new grammar rule (eg. create_table)

    • Write a new grammar, for example:

    create_table: CREATE TABLE if_not_exists? table_name create_definitions

The second part of parser is implemented as parser visitor.


  • _[cmd]_statement.py - eg. class CreateTable(evaql_parserVisitor)

    • Write functions to transform each input data from syntax tree to desired type. (eg. transform Column information into a list of ColumnDefinition)

    • Write a function to construct [cmd]Statement and return it.

  • __init__.py - import _[cmd]_statement.py and add its class to ParserVisitor’s parent class.

from src.parser.parser_visitor._create_statement import CenameTable
class ParserVisitor(CommonClauses, CreateTable, Expressions,
                    Functions, Insert, Select, TableSources,
                    Load, Upload):


  • [cmd]_statement.py - class [cmd]Statement. Its constructor is called in _[cmd]_statement.py

  • types.py - register new StatementType

2. Statement To Plan Convertor#

The part transforms the statement into corresponding logical plan.


  • operators.py

    • Define class Logical[cmd], which is the logical node for the specific type of command.

    class LogicalCreate(Operator):
        def __init__(self, video: TableRef, column_list: List[DataFrameColumn], if_not_exists: bool = False, children=None):
        super().__init__(OperatorType.LOGICALCREATE, children)
        self._video = video
        self._column_list = column_list
        self._if_not_exists = if_not_exists
        # ...
    • Register new operator type to class OperatorType, Notice that must add it before LOGICALDELIMITER !!!

  • statement_to_opr_convertor.py

    • import resource

    from src.optimizer.operators import LogicalCreate
    from src.parser.rename_statement import CreateTableStatement
    • implement visit_[cmd]() function, which converts statement to operator

    # May need to convert the statement into another data type.
    # The new data type is usable for excuting command.
    # For example, column_list -> column_metadata_list
    def visit_create(self, statement: AbstractStatement):
        video_ref = statement.table_ref
        if video_ref is None:
            LoggingManager().log("Missing Table Name In Create Statement",
        if_not_exists = statement.if_not_exists
        column_metadata_list = create_column_metadata(statement.column_list)
        create_opr = LogicalCreate(
            video_ref, column_metadata_list, if_not_exists)
        self._plan = create_opr
    • modify visit function to call the right visit_[cmd] funciton

    def visit(self, statement: AbstractStatement):
        if isinstance(statement, SelectStatement):
        elif isinstance(statement, CreateTableStatement):
        return self._plan

3. Plan Generator#

The part transformed logical plan to physical plan. The modified files are stored under Optimizer and Planner folders.


  • [cmd]_plan.py - class [cmd]Plan, which stored information required for rename table.

class CreatePlan(AbstractPlan):
    def __init__(self, video_ref: TableRef,
                 column_list: List[DataFrameColumn],
                 if_not_exists: bool = False):
        self._video_ref = video_ref
        self._column_list = column_list
        self._if_not_exists = if_not_exists
  • types.py - register new plan operator type to PlanOprType


  • rules.py-

    • Import operators

    • Register new ruletype to RuleType and Promise (place it before IMPLEMENTATION_DELIMETER !!)

    • implement class Logical[cmd]ToPhysical, its memeber function apply() will construct a corresbonding[cmd]Plan object.

    class LogicalCreateToPhysical(Rule):
        def __init__(self):
        pattern = Pattern(OperatorType.LOGICALCREATE)
        super().__init__(RuleType.LOGICAL_CREATE_TO_PHYSICAL, pattern)
    def promise(self):
        return Promise.LOGICAL_CREATE_TO_PHYSICAL
    def check(self, before: Operator, context: OptimizerContext):
        return True
    def apply(self, before: LogicalCreate, context: OptimizerContext):
        after = CreatePlan(before.video, before.column_list, before.if_not_exists)
        return after

4. Plan Executor#

PlanExecutor uses data stored in physical plan to run the command.


  • [cmd]_executor.py - implement an executor that make changes in catalog, metadata, or storage engine to run the command.

    • May need to create helper function in CatalogManager, DatasetService, DataFrameMetadata, etc.

    class CreateExecutor(AbstractExecutor):
        def exec(self):
            if (self.node.if_not_exists):
                # check catalog if we already have this table
            table_name = self.node.video_ref.table_info.table_name
            file_url = str(generate_file_path(table_name))
            metadata = CatalogManager().create_metadata(table_name, file_url, self.node.column_list)

Additional Notes#

Key data structures in EVA:

  • Catalog: Records DataFrameMetadata for all tables.

    • data stored in DataFrameMetadata: name, file_url, identifier_id, schema

      • file_url - used to access the real table in storage engine.

    • For the RENAME table command, we use the old_table_name to access the corresponing entry in metadata table, and the modified name of the table.

  • Storage Engine:

    • API is defined in src/storage, currently only supports create, read, write.