Data Sources#

EvaDB simplifies AI app development for two types of data: (1) structured data, and (2) unstructured data.

Structured Data#

Structured data refers to information that is highly organized and follows a predefined format. This format usually involves tables with rows and columns, where each column represents a specific attribute or field, and each row represents a unique record or instance. Structured data is typically found in SQL databases.

Examples: Customer information in a CRM system, sales transactions in a financial database.

Unstructured Data#

Unstructured data lacks a specific structure or organized format. It doesn’t fit neatly into tables with rows and columns. Instead, unstructured data can take the form of text, images, audio, video, social media posts, emails, and more. Unstructured data is diverse and can vary greatly in content, making it challenging to process and analyze without AI models.

Examples: Social media posts, email content, images on the web.