
Check if your local changes broke any unit or integration tests by running the following script:

bash script/test/test.sh

By default, it will run the full test suite. You can also run subset of test suites.

# Unit tests.
bash script/test/test.sh -m UNIT

# Integration tests.
bash script/test/test.sh -m "SHORT INTEGRATION"
bash script/test/test.sh -m "LONG INTEGRATION"

If you want to run a specific test file, use the following command.

PYTHONPATH="." python -m pytest test/integration_tests/test_select_executor.py

Use the following command to run a specific test case within a specific test file.

PYTHONPATH="." python -m pytest test/integration_tests/test_select_executor.py -k 'test_should_load_and_select_in_table'