
We welcome all kinds of contributions to EvaDB.

Setting up the Development Environment#

First, you will need to checkout the repository from GitHub and build EvaDB from the source. Follow the following instructions to build EvaDB locally. We recommend using a virtual environment and the pip package manager.

git clone && cd evadb
python3 -m venv test_evadb       # create a virtual environment
source test_evadb/bin/activate   # activate the virtual environment
pip install --upgrade pip         # upgrade pip
pip install -e ".[dev]"           # build and install the EvaDB package
bash script/test/          # run the EvaDB test suite

After installing the package locally, you can make changes and run the test cases to check their impact.

pip install .         # reinstall EvaDB package to include local changes
pkill -9 evadb_server   # kill running EvaDB server (if any)
evadb_server&           # launch EvaDB server with newly installed package


Check if your local changes broke any unit or integration tests by running the following script:

bash script/test/

If you want to run a specific test file, use the following command.

python -m pytest test/integration_tests/

Use the following command to run a specific test case within a specific test file.

python -m pytest test/integration_tests/ -k 'test_should_load_and_select_in_table'

Submitting a Contribution#

Follow the following steps to contribute to EvaDB:

  • Merge the most recent changes from the master branch

git remote add origin
git pull . origin/master
  • Run the test script to ensure that all the test cases pass.

  • If you are adding a new EvaDB command, add an illustrative example usage in the documentation.

  • Run the following command to ensure that code is properly formatted.

python script/formatting/

Code Style#

We use the black code style for formatting the Python code. For docstrings and documentation, we use Google Pydoc format.

def function_with_types_in_docstring(param1, param2) -> bool:
    """Example function with types documented in the docstring.

    Additional explanatory text can be added in paragraphs.

        param1 (int): The first parameter.
        param2 (str): The second parameter.

        bool: The return value. True for success, False otherwise.


We recommend using Visual Studio Code with a debugger for developing EvaDB. Here are the steps for setting up the development environment:

  1. Install the Python extension in Visual Studio Code.

  2. Install the Python Test Explorer extension.

3. Follow these instructions to run a particular test case from the file: Getting started.

../../_images/evadb-debug-1.jpg ../../_images/evadb-debug-2.jpg

Architecture Diagram#



If the test suite fails with a PermissionDenied exception, update the path_prefix attribute under the storage section in the EvaDB configuration file (~/.evadb/evadb.yml) to a directory where you have write privileges.