Emotion Analysis#

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In this tutorial, we present how to use PyTorch models in EvaDB to detect faces and classify their emotions. In particular, we focus on detecting faces in a person’s video and classifying their emotions. EvaDB makes it easy to do face detection and emotion classification using its built-in support for PyTorch models.

In this tutorial, we will showcase an usecase where we chain the outputs of two AI models in a single query. After detecting faces, we will crop the bounding box of the detected face and send it to an EmotionDetector function.


To follow along, you will need to set up a local instance of EvaDB via pip.

Connect to EvaDB#

After installing EvaDB, use the following Python code to establish a connection and obtain a cursor for running EvaQL queries.

import evadb
cursor = evadb.connect().cursor()

We will assume that the input defhappy video is loaded into EvaDB. To download the video and load it into EvaDB, see the complete emotion analysis notebook on Colab.

Create Face and Emotion Detection Functions#

To create custom FaceDetector and EmotionDetector functions, use the CREATE FUNCTION statement. In these queries, we leverage EvaDB’s built-in support for custom models. We will assume that the files containing these functions are downloaded and stored locally. Now, run the following queries to register these functions:

            scores NDARRAY FLOAT32(ANYDIM))
    TYPE  FaceDetection
    IMPL  'face_detector.py';

            scores NDARRAY FLOAT32(ANYDIM))
    TYPE  Classification
    IMPL 'emotion_detector.py';

The FaceDetector function takes a frame as input (NDARRAY type) and returns bounding boxes (bboxes) of detected faces along with corresponding confidence scores (scores).

The EmotionDetector function takes a frame as input (NDARRAY type) and returns a label along with the corresponding confidence score.

Emotion Analysis Queries#

After the functions are registered in EvaDB, you can use them in subsequent SQL queries in different ways.

In the following query, we call the FaceDetector function on every image in the video. The output of the function is stored in the bboxes and scores columns of the output DataFrame.

SELECT id, FaceDetector(data)
WHERE id < 10;

This query returns the faces detected in the first ten frames of the video:

| happy.id | facedetector.bboxes |   facedetector.scores   |
|    0     | [[499  94 761 435]  |  [0.9999081 0.791269 ]  |
|          |  [237 296 326 399]] |                         |
|    1     | [[501  95 763 436]  |  [0.9999021 0.8090978]  |
|          |  [238 296 325 399]] |                         |
|    2     | [[503  96 767 439]] |       [0.9998859]       |
|    3     | [[499  90 776 447]] |      [0.99995923]       |
|    4     | [[498 100 768 444]] |      [0.99999774]       |
|    5     | [[504  89 778 439]  |  [0.9999716 0.8267602]  |
|          |  [236 305 324 406]] |                         |
|    6     | [[500  88 779 451]] |       [0.9999136]       |
|    7     | [[502  88 780 450]] |      [0.99990165]       |
|    8     | [[504  90 783 450]  | [0.9999368  0.72843623] |
|          |  [235 308 325 411]] |                         |
|    9     | [[508  90 785 448]  | [0.99992466 0.7014416 ] |
|          |  [235 309 325 412]] |                         |

Chaining Functions in a Single AI Query#

In the following query, we use the output of the FaceDetector to crop the detected face from the frame and send it to the EmotionDetector to identify the emotion in that person’s face. Here, Crop is a built-in function in EvaDB that is used for cropping the given bounding box (bbox) from the given frame (data).

We use LATERAL JOIN clause in the query to map the output of the FaceDetector to each frame in the HAPPY video table.

SELECT id, bbox, EmotionDetector(Crop(data, bbox))
     JOIN LATERAL UNNEST(FaceDetector(data)) AS Face(bbox, conf)
WHERE id < 15;

Now, the DataFrame only contains the emotions of the detected faces:

| happy.id |     Face.bbox     | emotiondetector.labels | emotiondetector.scores |
|    0     | [499  94 761 435] |         happy          |   0.9996277093887329   |
|    0     | [237 296 326 399] |        neutral         |   0.8095587491989136   |
|    1     | [501  95 763 436] |         happy          |   0.9996333122253418   |
|    1     | [238 296 325 399] |        neutral         |   0.5969993472099304   |
|    2     | [503  96 767 439] |         happy          |   0.999674916267395    |
|    3     | [499  90 776 447] |         happy          |   0.9996751546859741   |
|    4     | [498 100 768 444] |         happy          |   0.9996353387832642   |
|    5     | [504  89 778 439] |         happy          |   0.9996645450592041   |
|    5     | [236 305 324 406] |        neutral         |   0.7656209468841553   |
|    6     | [500  88 779 451] |         happy          |   0.999667763710022    |
|    7     | [502  88 780 450] |         happy          |   0.9996945858001709   |
|    8     | [504  90 783 450] |         happy          |   0.9996901750564575   |
|    8     | [235 308 325 411] |        neutral         |   0.6952931880950928   |
|    9     | [508  90 785 448] |         happy          |   0.9996936321258545   |
|    9     | [235 309 325 412] |        neutral         |   0.6790497899055481   |
|    10    | [508  89 788 449] |         happy          |   0.9997019171714783   |
|    10    | [235 311 323 413] |        neutral         |   0.7205461263656616   |
|    11    | [514  87 789 454] |         happy          |   0.9997119307518005   |
|    12    | [513  87 789 454] |         happy          |   0.9997120499610901   |
|    13    | [513  87 789 456] |         happy          |   0.9997060894966125   |
|    14    | [515  88 790 454] |         happy          |   0.9997135996818542   |

What’s Next?#

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